Saturday, March 7, 2009

First Blog + Manifesto

First Blog-
First of all, these blogs that you are about to read, are actually a school project. This is where I'll be posting what I think about the book I read (currently City of Bones). I'm in a reading club, and my club mates also have their own blogs. (I'll post the links to their websites later). Anyways, the way my group is doing it is by reading a part (about 100 pages) of a book and comment on what we have read so far. That's why sometimes I don't know what happens in the end, because I haven't finished the book yet! Alright, this pretty much concludes my first blog, (more of an introduction... oh well) Next is my Manifesto.


A manifesto is a public declaration of principles and intentions, often political in nature, but may also be life stance related. However, manifestos relating to religious belief are rather referred to as credo.” Thanks to Wikipedia for the explanation. What did we do before google and wikipedia? I got this from my teacher's website. Check it out at

My Manifesto-

First of all, I have to say that I'm not much of a book reader, sure I read a book time to time, but I find it hard to get into most books, I usually only read a certain type of genre which would be adventure or survival. I wouldn't read a book unless it's in a series that I've read before, or my friends recommended it to me. So I hope that while writing these blogs (and reading others), I might find out about more books that I might like and start reading more.

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