I finally finished Pendragon, and now that it's been a month since I finished the Mortal Instruments series, I'm really starting to think it's a really good book. This time, Pendragon 9 Raven Rise would probably be better than the other ones, although it did have a hard to keep up type of action going on, it was a fun book to read. It's not a very easy simple book to read though, you will start to think and wander about the universe, space and stars. That's why I like Pendragon, it's like a book that's a gateway to the stars. Of course, there's a lot at stake in the book, but when other books have the world in danger, this book has all the worlds in danger.
I used to like reading books where you could easily tell the bad guy is by his silly motives of doing bad things and knowing that what he is doing is bad. Today, when I read books, I find that when the antagonist knows that what he is doing is bad, then it ruins his character and the book becomes childish. Pendragon is different, the antagonist Saint Dane may seem all evil, but he actually thinks that he is more of a visionary and a leader, and is just trying to make the worlds stronger than it was before. It's a battle between philosophy, Pendragon believes every man should get equal chance and see what they do with their lives while Saint Dane believes in a group of men that are real powerful and have extreme talent to be able to survive and thrive, while they wouldn't need to worry about poverty becaue the average people were sent to compounds to do all the dirty work.
It's really just a view of how you see it work, you may think that Pendragon is right and that every man should have a chance to thrive and that it should stay the same, but our world has a lot of flaws, people believe that Saint Dane's world will be better, the world would be perfect... for the people that are in the "special group" or here on Second Earth "ravinians". Saint Dane is part of that truly evil type of person, although you only get to know him through Bobby Pendragon's voice, you would think that 99% of what Bobby said about the villain is true. His most effective weapon is his ability to persuade people into believing him or doing work for him, he always influences bad things and although he wasn't the one who did it, he was part of it.
It's characters like Saint Dane, a mysterious, evil and powerful character that makes Pendragon a good book to read.
Rating on Saint Dane